Installation Strat®

Guides d'installation et conseils pour votre harnais ObsidianWire Strat®
  • Facile. Pas instantané.

    Pour une connexion sécurisée, prenez votre temps et suivez attentivement les instructions .

Install Info:

Below you will find:

  • Layout Guide
  • Wiring Diagrams
  • Install Instructions
  • Demo Videos
  • Links to More Help
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ObsidianWire Control hole layout / hole spacing diagram for Stratocaster

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Guide de mise en page : ObsidianWire pour Strat

Convient à la plupart des Stratocasters Fender MIM et MIA authentiques

S'adapte à la plupart des Strats Squier et Fender Japan // Nécessite des réglages de taille de trou et de bouton (trou de 9,52 mm et 24 boutons cannelés) Les harnais chargés Push Pull nécessitent une cavité pleine taille (profondeur minimale - 33 mm)

Vérifiez toujours la disposition des trous

  • Taille du trou : 9,52 mm (3/8 po)
  • Profondeur de la cavité : minimum 33 mm (1,3 po) (profondeur de 30 mm requise autour des pots push/pull)
  • Taille du bouton : utilisez un arbre fendu à 24 cannelures, spécification américaine uniquement
  • Pointe de commutateur (type chêne) : type impérial / US Spec / chêne / CRL
  • Pointe de commutation (type Schaller - comme utilisé sur Custom HSS // HSH) Pointe Schaller


Schémas de câblage pour Strat®

Faites correspondre votre schéma de câblage à votre modèle Pro-Wired Electronics. Vérifiez attentivement.

Remarques :

  • Emplacement 1 – Toujours le plus proche de Jack
  • Les fils de terre de rechange vont au connecteur à vis
  • Mettre à la terre toutes les pièces métalliques, y compris le vibrato/chevalet et le blindage de la cavité

  • Blender 250k // Custom 7 G2 // Vintage G2

    1 = Spare Ground
    2 = Spare Ground
    3 = Output Jack Black
    4 = Output Jack White
    5 = Neck Ground
    6 = Neck Hot
    7 = Middle Ground
    8 = Middle Hot
    9 = Bridge Ground
    10 = Bridge Hot

    All other ground wires to screw down ground connector

  • Blender G2 // Universal Blender

    1 = Output Jack Black
    2 = Output Jack White
    3 = Neck Ground
    4 = Neck Hot
    5 = Neck Series 1
    6 = Neck Series 2
    7 = Middle Ground
    8 = Middle Hot
    9 = Middle Series 1
    10 = Middle Series 2
    11 = Bridge Ground
    12 = Bridge Hot
    13 = Bridge Series 1
    14 = Bridge Series 2

    All other ground wires - to screw down ground connector

    For two wires pickups - leave SERIES slots empty


    1 = Output Jack Black
    2 = Output Jack White
    3 = Neck Pickup Ground
    4 = Neck Pickup Hot
    5 = Neck Pickup Series 1
    6 = Neck Pickup Series 2
    7 = Middle Pickup Ground
    8 = Middle Pickup Hot
    9 = Bridge Pickup Ground
    10 = Bridge Pickup Hot
    11 = Bridge Pickup Series 1
    12 = Bridge Pickup Series 2

    All other ground wires to screw down ground connector

    Two Wire Bridge & Neck Pickups - Leave 'Series' slots empty

  • Lambertones HSS

    1 = Output Jack Black
    2 = Output Jack White
    3 = Neck Ground
    4 = Neck Hot
    5 = Middle Ground
    6 = Middle Hot
    7 = Bridge Ground
    8 = Bridge Hot
    9 = Bridge Series 1
    10 = Bridge Series 2

    All other ground wires to screw down ground connector

    Info Sheet

    1 = Output Jack Black
    2 = Output Jack White
    3 = Neck Ground
    4 = Neck Hot
    5 = Neck Series 1
    6 = Neck Series 2
    7 = Bridge Ground
    8 = Bridge Hot
    9 = Bridge Series 1
    10 = Bridge Series 2

    All other ground wires to screw down ground connector

Installation de votre nouveau harnais Strat®

  • 1) Prepare your space & set aside some time

    • A clean install is a good install
    • Take your time, and be precise
    • Wiring parts can be fragile. Be gentle.

    You will need

    • Wire cutters
    • Fine tip flat head screw driver
    • Phillips head screw driver for switch screws
    • Crescent or socket for potentiometer nuts
  • 3) Découpez votre vieux harnais

    • Coupez le micro et les fils de masse de votre ancien harnais et retirez-le de votre basse.
    • Coupez le plus près possible de l'ancien faisceau pour conserver la longueur de vos fils.
  • 3) Mount your new Wiring harness to the pickguard

    • Use the hardware provided to install your new harness
    • DO NOT remove the nuts that come pre-loaded on your harness. These act as a spacer between your harness and the pickguard


    1) Trouvez votre diagramme

    • Trouvez le diagramme correct pour votre Strat® & Harness ci-dessus.
    • Assurez-vous que le diagramme est le bon pour le harnais que vous installez.
    Télécharger le manuel

    2) Identifiez vos fils de ramassage

    • Pour la plupart des micros :
      Chaud = Blanc
      Sol = Noir
    • Pour différents micros, vous pouvez consulter notre guide de fil de micro ci-dessous
    Pickup Color Codes
  • 6) Prepare Your Wires

    • Take your time & be precise
    • Strip pickup and ground wire insulation leaving 6mm (1/4”) of bare wire.
    • Twist loose strands of wire between your fingers to create a firm tip.
    • Cleanly prepared wires are essential for a good connection


    7) Press & Hold Connector Button

    • Use a fine screw driver to press and hold the connector button above the wire slot.
    • This opens an internal clamp so the wire can be inserted to the slot.
    • For a full guide on using the solder-less connectors, check below
    Connector Guide
  • 8) Insert Wire & Release Button

    • Insert the wire at a 45° angle.
    • Insert all of the exposed section of wire (6mm or 1/4")
    • Release the button and the wire should hold firmly.
    • Test the wire by giving it a gentle pull before moving on to the next wire.
    • Your solderless connector is made to fit a range of wire sizes, from standard Fender cloth wire down to tiny Seymour Duncan style wires
  • 9) Install knobs & Switch Tip

    • Use The correct size knobs & tips
    • Use Only US spec / imperial knobs (24 spline or spline-less)
    • Take time to align the knob splines
    • Press gently
    • Support the pot base as you press on the knob
    • Never force a tight knob, as this can damage the pot
  • 10) Mount your pickguard & String up for testing

    • Be careful to ensure that all wires are neatly tucked in to the cavity
    • Ensure that the switch and jack does not connect with the cavity wall as this can cause the signal to round out
    • Ensure that there is enough clearance at the bottom of the cavity, so the switch does not ground out on the cavity floor

Mode Switches

  • Treble Bleed Switch

    • The Gen 2 version of our ST Vintage and ST Custom 7 Way wiring for Strat features a 'Treble Bleed' switch
    • Turn this 'OFF' for a traditional Stratocaster volume control. This will roll off treble as you roll back the volume control.
    • Turn this 'ON' for treble retention at lower volumes, and a smoother volume control function.
    • For most installs, we reccomend the 'ON' setting.
  • Intelligent 'Mode' Switching

    Our ST Custom HSS G2 and ST Custom Blender G2 wiring features a 'Mode' switch, which allows you to perfectly optimize your wiring for different pickup setups.

    Easily optimize the wiring for your pickups.

    • SSS / 250k  For three single coils or most single coil sized humbuckers
    • HSS / Intelligent Switching (auto switches between 250k & 500k)
    • HHH / 500k For any pickup where more treble and output is required
    • HSH / Intelligent Switching (auto switches between 250k & 500k)

    Note: The ST Custom HSS has options for HSS & HSH only.

  • Coil Split Tuning

    The ST Custom Lambertones and ST Custom HH6 G2 feature coil split tuneability which allows you to achieve a full or partial split of your humbuckers

    • Set to 'Loud' for a reduced partial split and a louder, fuller single coil sound
    • Set to 'quiet' for a full traditional split, and a quieter, more treble heavy sound
    • The switch can be set anywhere between the two points for fne tuning

Install Videos:

The below demo videos are model specific. Always use the correct wiring diagram for your wiring model.

Custom Blender // Vintage

ST Custom HSS - Gen 1

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Find loaded pickguard install info, along with wiring diagrams, instructions and demo videos

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